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Royal Decree Simplifies and Updates Procedural Rules of Belgian Competition Authority

  • 25/01/2024
  • News

On 19 January 2024, the Belgian Official Journal (Belgisch Staatsblad / Moniteur belge) published a Royal Decree of 11 December 2023 (RD) which amends:
(i) the Royal Decree of 30 August 2013 on the procedures for the protection of competition (Koninklijk Besluit van 30 augustus 2013 betreffende de procedures inzake bescherming van de mededinging / Arrêté royal du 30 août 2013 relatif aux procédures en matière de protection de la concurrence);
(ii) the Royal Decree of 30 August 2013 on the notification of concentrations of undertakings (Koninklijk Besluit van 30 augustus 2013 betreffende het aanmelden van de concentraties van ondernemingen / Arrêté royal du 30 août 2013 relatif à la notification des concentrations d'entreprises); and
(iii) the Royal Decree of 4 September 2013 on the payment and recovery of administrative fines and penalties (Koninklijk Besluit van 4 september 2013 betreffende de betaling en de invordering van administratieve geldboeten en dwangsommen / Arrêté royal du 4 septembre 2013 relatif au paiement et au recouvrement des amendes administratives et astreintes).
Most of the changes brought about by the RD are technical in nature and aim to align the above Royal Decrees with the current provisions of Book IV (“Protection of competition”) of the Code of Economic Law (Wetboek van economisch recht / Code de droit économiqueCEL). Book IV, CEL was introduced by the Law of 2 May 2019 and was amended in early 2022 to transpose the ECN+ Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1) in Belgium.
In addition to these minor changes, the RD introduces several procedural novelties.
First, the RD creates a complaint form which details the information which complainants are expected to submit when filing a complaint pursuant to Article IV.39, 2°, CEL for alleged competition law infringements. The RD aims to ensure that the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) receives sufficient information to assess the admissibility and merits of the complaint. The form advises complainants to contact the BCA’s Chief Prosecutor by e-mail before submitting the complaint.
Second, requests for provisional measures within the meaning of Article IV.72, CEL will only be admissible following the opening of the investigation by the Chief Prosecutor. As a result, it will no longer be possible to submit such a request along with a complaint. Here also, making prior contact with the Chief Prosecutor will greatly facilitate the process.
Third, unless provided differently, communications with the BCA should take place by e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt. Other ways of communication are as a rule excluded. This approach now also applies to merger control proceedings. As a result, merger notifications must no longer be submitted to the BCA in three hard copies. However, the BCA remains entitled to request a paper copy of the notification form and its annexes.
Fourth, the RD replaces the rule that any annexes to merger notifications which are not in one of Belgium’s official languages or in English should be translated into the language of the notification, by the rule that the BCA can – but does not have to – request a translation of annexes which are not in one of Belgium’s official languages.
Fifth, the RD clarifies that the first day of Phase 1 in merger reviews is the day following the date of receipt of a complete notification.

Attached is a copy of the RD, which will enter into force on Monday 29 January 2024.

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