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GCR quotes Andreas Reindl on DG Competition’s merger procedure infringement investigations

  • 12/07/2017
  • News

On 6 July 2017, GCR quoted Van Bael & Bellis counsel Andreas Reindl in an article on three Commission investigations into suspected violations of EUMR procedural rules. The previous day, Andreas had commented on these Commission cases when he was speaking at the GCR Live 9th Annual Brussels Conference.  Andreas took part in a panel discussion on the subject of “Doing deals – how to avoid gun-jumping and other procedural enforcement risks in the new environment”. In particular, he spoke on recent enforcement action by the European Commission signaling increased efforts to ensure compliance with procedural rules in merger review, and the need to have clear rules identifying situations when steps to prepare the implementation of a merger could be considered unlawful gun-jumping when these steps are taken prior to obtaining Commission approval.

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