
Diego provides expert guidance to both local and international companies on all aspects of individual and collective employment law, social security law, and pension law.  He provides companies with essential day-to-day HR advice. Beyond that, he also assists clients with major projects, including individual and collective dismissals, employment aspects of mergers and acquisitions, and inspections by social inspection authorities. 

Diego is also adept at representing clients in litigations, whether in court proceedings or settlement negotiations.


Dutch, English, French, German


  • University of Leuven, Master of Laws, magna cum laude, 2022
  • University of Sheffield, Master of Laws, Exchange programme, 2021
  • University of Hasselt, Bachelor of Laws, cum laude, 2020
  • University of Namur, Bachelor of Laws, Exchange programme, 2019


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    • 31/08/2023
    • News

    Belgium - New Rules on Consumer Debt Collection - Update Your General Terms and Conditions Now

    On 1 September 2023, the Law of 4 May 2023 inserting Book XIX “Consumer debts” into the Belgian Code of Economic Law (Wet van 4 mei 2023 houdende invoeging van boek XIX “Schulden van de consument” in het Wetboek van economisch recht / Loi du 4 mai 2023 portant insertion du livre XIX “Dettes du consommateur” dans le Code de droit économique – the Law) will enter into force for consumer contracts which are concluded on or after that date. As of 1 December 2023, the Law will also apply to the recovery of consumer debts from contracts concluded before 1 September 2023 if the delay in payment or the amicable recovery occurs after 1 September 2023.

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