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Isabelle Van Damme speaks on “Shifting from WTO to bilateral FTAs: current landscape and future developments” at CEA Annual Conference 2020 in Brussels

  • 26/02/2020
  • News

On 21 February 2020, Van Bael & Bellis counsel Isabelle Van Damme spoke on “Shifting from WTO to bilateral FTAs: current landscape and future developments” at the Club Español del Arbitraje (“CEA”) Annual Conference 2020 titled “A new landscape for EU law and arbitration: challenges and opportunities”, hosted at the Brussels office of Van Bael Bellis. Isabelle’s presentation focused on explaining why dispute settlement under FTAs should be of interest to investment lawyers, before turning to a discussion of some of the novel aspects and the future of dispute settlement under FTAs.


Further information about the conference is available here.

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